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Recipe: Perfect Nasi Goreng Daun Jeruk

Nasi Goreng Daun Jeruk.

Nasi Goreng Daun Jeruk You can cook Nasi Goreng Daun Jeruk using 12 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Nasi Goreng Daun Jeruk

  1. It's of Nasi.
  2. It's of Daun jeruk.
  3. You need of Gula.
  4. Prepare of Garam.
  5. You need of Penyedap.
  6. Prepare of Ikan untuk toping (Bisa diganti telur, dll).
  7. Prepare of Bumbu halus.
  8. Prepare 2 bh of baput.
  9. Prepare 3 bh of bamer.
  10. Prepare 13 of Cabe rawit.
  11. It's 1 bh of kemiri.
  12. You need of Kunyit bubuk.

Nasi Goreng Daun Jeruk step by step

  1. Ulek bumbu halus, dan iris daun jeruk..
  2. Tumis bumbu dan daun jeruk. Masukan Garam, gula, penyedap rasa. Masukan ikan. Tumis beberapa menit..
  3. Masukkan Nasi. Aduk hingga bumbu tercampur rata dengan nasi..
  4. Nasi Goreng siap disajikan..

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